Extrinsic termination proofs for well-founded recursion in Lean
A few months ago I explained that one reason why this blog has become more quiet is that all my work on Lean is covered elsewhere.
This post is an exception, because it is an observation that is (arguably) interesting, but does not lead anywhere, so where else to put it than my own blog…
When defining a function recursively in Lean that has nested recursion, e.g. a recusive call that is in the argument to a higher-order function like List.map
, then extra attention used to be necessary so that Lean can see that xs.map
applies its argument only elements of the list xs
. The usual idiom is to write xs.attach.map
instead, where List.attach
attaches to the list elements a proof that they are in that list. You can read more about this my Lean blog post on recursive definitions and our new shiny reference manual, look for Example “Nested Recursion in Higher-order Functions”.
To make this step less tedious I taught Lean to automatically rewrite xs.map
to xs.attach.map
(where suitable) within the construction of well-founded recursion, so that nested recursion just works (issue #5471). We already do such a rewriting to change if c then … else …
to the dependent if h : c then … else …
, but the attach-introduction is much more ambitious (the rewrites are not definitionally equal, there are higher-order arguments etc.) Rewriting the terms in a way that we can still prove the connection later when creating the equational lemmas is hairy at best. Also, we want the whole machinery to be extensible by the user, setting up their own higher order functions to add more facts to the context of the termination proof.
I implemented it like this (PR #6744) and it ships with 4.18.0, but in the course of this work I thought about a quite different and maybe better™ way to do this, and well-founded recursion in general:
A simpler fix
Recall that to use WellFounded.fix
WellFounded.fix : (hwf : WellFounded r) (F : (x : α) → ((y : α) → r y x → C y) → C x) (x : α) : C x
we have to rewrite the functorial of the recursive function, which naturally has type
F : ((y : α) → C y) → ((x : α) → C x)
to the one above, where all recursive calls take the termination proof r y x
. This is a fairly hairy operation, mangling the type of matcher’s motives and whatnot.
Things are simpler for recursive definitions using the new partial_fixpoint
machinery, where we use Lean.Order.fix
Lean.Order.fix : [CCPO α] (F : β → β) (hmono : monotone F) : β
so the functorial’s type is unmodified (here β
will be ((x : α) → C x)
), and everything else is in the propositional side-condition montone F
. For this predicate we have a syntax-guided compositional tactic, and it’s easily extensible, e.g. by
theorem monotone_mapM (f : γ → α → m β) (xs : List α) (hmono : monotone f) :
monotone (fun x => xs.mapM (f x))
Once given, we don’t care about the content of that proof. In particular proving the unfolding theorem only deals with the unmodified F
that closely matches the function definition as written by the user. Much simpler!
Isabelle has it easier
Isabelle also supports well-founded recursion, and has great support for nested recursion. And it’s much simpler!
There, all you have to do to make nested recursion work is to define a congruence lemma of the form, for List.map
something like our List.map_congr_left
List.map_congr_left : (h : ∀ a ∈ l, f a = g a) :
List.map f l = List.map g l
This is because in Isabelle, too, the termination proofs is a side-condition that essentially states “the functorial F
calls its argument f
only on smaller arguments”.
Can we have it easy, too?
I had wished we could do the same in Lean for a while, but that form of congruence lemma just isn’t strong enough for us.
But maybe there is a way to do it, using an existential to give a witness that F
can alternatively implemented using the more restrictive argument. The following callsOn P F
predicate can express that F
calls its higher-order argument only on arguments that satisfy the predicate P
section setup
variable {α : Sort u}
variable {β : α → Sort v}
variable {γ : Sort w}
def callsOn (P : α → Prop) (F : (∀ y, β y) → γ) :=
∃ (F': (∀ y, P y → β y) → γ), ∀ f, F' (fun y _ => f y) = F f
variable (R : α → α → Prop)
variable (F : (∀ y, β y) → (∀ x, β x))
local infix:50 " ≺ " => R
def recursesVia : Prop := ∀ x, callsOn (· ≺ x) (fun f => F f x)
noncomputable def fix (wf : WellFounded R) (h : recursesVia R F) : (∀ x, β x) :=
wf.fix (fun x => (h x).choose)
def fix_eq (wf : WellFounded R) h x :
fix R F wf h x = F (fix R F wf h) x := by
unfold fix
rw [wf.fix_eq]
apply (h x).choose_spec
This allows nice compositional lemmas to discharge callsOn
theorem callsOn_base (y : α) (hy : P y) :
callsOn P (fun (f : ∀ x, β x) => f y) := by
exists fun f => f y hy
intros; rfl
theorem callsOn_const (x : γ) :
callsOn P (fun (_ : ∀ x, β x) => x) :=
⟨fun _ => x, fun _ => rfl⟩
theorem callsOn_app
{γ₁ : Sort uu} {γ₂ : Sort ww}
(F₁ : (∀ y, β y) → γ₂ → γ₁) -- can this also support dependent types?
(F₂ : (∀ y, β y) → γ₂)
(h₁ : callsOn P F₁)
(h₂ : callsOn P F₂) :
callsOn P (fun f => F₁ f (F₂ f)) := by
obtain ⟨F₁', h₁⟩ := h₁
obtain ⟨F₂', h₂⟩ := h₂
exists (fun f => F₁' f (F₂' f))
intros; simp_all
theorem callsOn_lam
{γ₁ : Sort uu}
(F : γ₁ → (∀ y, β y) → γ) -- can this also support dependent types?
(h : ∀ x, callsOn P (F x)) :
callsOn P (fun f x => F x f) := by
exists (fun f x => (h x).choose f)
intro f
ext x
apply (h x).choose_spec
theorem callsOn_app2
{γ₁ : Sort uu} {γ₂ : Sort ww}
(g : γ₁ → γ₂ → γ)
(F₁ : (∀ y, β y) → γ₁) -- can this also support dependent types?
(F₂ : (∀ y, β y) → γ₂)
(h₁ : callsOn P F₁)
(h₂ : callsOn P F₂) :
callsOn P (fun f => g (F₁ f) (F₂ f)) := by
apply_rules [callsOn_app, callsOn_const]
With this setup, we can have the following, possibly user-defined, lemma expressing that List.map
calls its arguments only on elements of the list:
theorem callsOn_map (δ : Type uu) (γ : Type ww)
(P : α → Prop) (F : (∀ y, β y) → δ → γ) (xs : List δ)
(h : ∀ x, x ∈ xs → callsOn P (fun f => F f x)) :
callsOn P (fun f => xs.map (fun x => F f x)) := by
suffices callsOn P (fun f => xs.attach.map (fun ⟨x, h⟩ => F f x)) by
apply callsOn_app
· apply callsOn_app
· apply callsOn_const
· apply callsOn_lam
intro ⟨x', hx'⟩
exact (h x' hx')
· apply callsOn_const
end setup
So here is the (manual) construction of a nested map
for trees:
section examples
structure Tree (α : Type u) where
val : α
cs : List (Tree α)
-- essentially
-- def Tree.map (f : α → β) : Tree α → Tree β :=
-- fun t => ⟨f t.val, t.cs.map Tree.map⟩)
noncomputable def Tree.map (f : α → β) : Tree α → Tree β :=
fix (sizeOf · < sizeOf ·) (fun map t => ⟨f t.val, t.cs.map map⟩)
(InvImage.wf (sizeOf ·) WellFoundedRelation.wf) <| by
intro ⟨v, cs⟩
dsimp only
apply callsOn_app2
· apply callsOn_const
· apply callsOn_map
intro t' ht'
apply callsOn_base
-- ht' : t' ∈ cs -- !
-- ⊢ sizeOf t' < sizeOf { val := v, cs := cs }
end examples
This makes me happy!
All details of the construction are now contained in a proof that can proceed by a syntax-driven tactic and that’s easily and (likely robustly) extensible by the user. It also means that we can share a lot of code paths (e.g. everything related to equational theorems) between well-founded recursion and partial_fixpoint
I wonder if this construction is really as powerful as our current one, or if there are certain (likely dependently typed) functions where this doesn’t fit, but the β
above is dependent, so it looks good.
With this construction, functions defined by well-founded recursion will reduce even worse in the kernel, I assume. This may be a good thing.
The cake is a lie
What unfortunately kills this idea, though, is the generation of the functional induction principles, which I believe is not (easily) possible with this construction: The functional induction principle is proved by massaging F
to return a proof, but since the extra assumptions (e.g. for ite
or List.map
) only exist in the termination proof, they are not available in F
Oh wey, how anticlimactic.
PS: Path dependencies
Curiously, if we didn’t have functional induction at this point yet, then very likely I’d change Lean to use this construction, and then we’d either not get functional induction, or it would be implemented very differently, maybe a more syntactic approach that would re-prove termination. I guess that’s called path dependence.
10 March, 2025 05:47PM by Joachim Breitner (mail@joachim-breitner.de)